Friday, July 31, 2009

July ends in Madrid

Last night was a treat!

I impulsively decided to take the metro downtown to meet Ashly when she got off work at 9pm. While I waited on the street for her to come out, an enormous crowd of bicycles and roller blades came tearing down Gran Vía, through the heart of Madrid, protesting gasoline dependency (and enjoying themselves). Ash came out to find me taking pictures and introduced me to two new friends of hers.

While we were all deciding where to go, a girl walked up to us and offered two free tickets to the ballet that had just started at the theater we were standing outside of. Surprised, we accepted. We agreed to make plans with the new friends another night. The ballet had already started, but they let us slip in.

At the first intermission we dashed over to the place Ashly always gets coffee during her breaks, just down from the theater and next door to her work. (It's called Don Jamón (Sir Ham!) and she's a vegetarian! ..but the coffee was delicious.)

We loved the ballet. It was so beautiful. It was a Russian dance company performing Don Quijote... the dance, the costumes, the story, it was an incredible experience. To top it off, our tickets were in the 5th row from the stage, in the center.

When it ended after 11, we scouted a new place to have a caña and Spanish tortilla and were drawn to the tables in the alleyway between two buildings, washed in yellow light and decorated with grafiti. With our beer, we were brought paella and bread by default. Even after ordering tortilla as well, the total was only 6 euros. Not bad!

We spent the night taking photos of the street... but I'll spare you all of those for now.

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